Counselor Info
Online access to the Financial Aid and Scholarship Booklet can be found under student resources.
Senior News
This is the space that will keep senior parents updated on everything senior-related, whether it's scholarships or graduation.
8/21/24 Update: Seniors--- Please sign up for a time to meet with Mrs. Wald on August 26 or August 29. There will be a sign up sheet in the office. I will hand out the Financial Aid and Scholarship Booklet. We will go over college visit information and upcoming college fair/career fair/college application days.
Seniors and Juniors: You will be attending a college fair at BSC on September 19th. We will leave the school at 9:30 and will return at 11:30.
Starting January 5, seniors that meet or will meet the requirements for the N.D. Scholarships will need to apply online . The deadline to apply is June 6, 2025. For students taking the WorkKeys test, Mr. Christopherson will submit your scores to avoid problems later in the summer. Please visit with Mrs. Wald or one of the administrators if you need more information.
1/23/24- Seniors will work on scholarship applications with Mrs. Wald during their POD class.
ASVAB RETAKE date has been set for February 6th with a back-up date of February 13th.