New Salem-Almont is finalizing the move to a 1:1 model that gives either an iPad or laptop to students in grades 7-12. Going into this school year we already had well over half of the devices needed to transform to a 1:1 setting and with the stimulus money this year, we were able to purchase the rest. Many reasons went into this decision, with the biggest reason being the convenience this will provide to our students moving forward. With technology at their fingertips, students do not have to travel and disrupt another classroom to grab a device and teachers don’t have to worry if enough devices will be available for a lesson. The 1:1 model aligns with our Profile of a Graduate vision that centers around 21st Century Learning. A third advantage is the ability of students to stay signed in to Microsoft Teams, which is used by NSA teachers to make classroom announcements, assign and collect work, collaborate with students on group projects, and meet with students virtually. Finally, the speed in which our devices work will not slow down; meaning when multiple students log onto one device each day it tended to slow our devices down. Multiple login’s during the day also caused students to experience glitches when trying to save/load documents because it won’t sign out of the previous user completely at times.
Moving forward, students will be responsible to handle their device with care, keep it charged, and to bring it to their classes. Furthermore, students will learn how to use technology appropriately which is a part of being North Dakota “Choice Ready”. Before the device is handed out, Mrs. Binstock and Mr. Klaudt will have met with the students to discuss the acceptable use agreement and the ramifications if a student is careless with a device. Your child will be bringing this document home so please review carefully. We are excited for this initiative and plan to use the coming months to iron out any issues that arise.